0Thursday. 9th [August 1888]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 August 1888 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Thursday. 9th [August 1888]. I drove up to Haande & fished in the lake to make experiments of fishing for char in deep water with heavy leads but got none. Rayd got one trout. I tried in the up Haande pool for trout with a fly with no success. Frau Haande took us into her cottage & regaled us with coffee & offered us garters of her own make for all wh we declined to buy. We came home for 5 o’cl dinner. At 7 I went up to Friswold with John but the fish would not rise. At the end of Kjespool I got 2 trout & one in New Pool & hooked a big salmon in Gredhus wh soon got off. It was showery heavy weather.

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