0Wednesday. 19th [September 1888]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 September 1888 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 19th [September 1888]. Spent the rest of this week going about on foot with Emilia shopping. We went to see her old friend Mrs Adolphus an old lady about 96 quite lively & fresh & most charming. There met a brother of Father Ignatius a Ch. of E clergyman with a handsome wife. I enjoyed many pleasant talks with Emilia on Spain & hearing about people we had known when we lived at Madrid. One night Señor Gayangos, Signor Meale, Mama & Mr Sydney Colvin dined with us. Another Mr & Mrs John Ball, Mr Peabody Russell & Sir F. Burton. We went to Montague Place & Henry took over the Private papers belonging to his Aunt—a great many curious letters from Disraeli. The MSS of Vivien Grey & Capt. Popriella & letters from many other interesting people. We received Mrs Austens plate & put it in the bank & her old carriage which is useless.

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