0Friday. 2nd November [1888]—Villa Pisani, Vescovana
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 November 1888 — Villa Pisani, Vescovana
Friday. 2nd November [1888]. Packed & started for Vescovana after an early lunch. Mrs Brown met us at the station & we took charge of her. Mr Brown saw her off but did not go. We went by train to St Elena. Unfortunately it was a wet day & the weather looked bad for our visit. Carriages were waiting for us on our arrival & after about ½ hour’s drive we got to the Villa & were received a bras auverts by Countess Pisani. She gave us tea in her beautiful sala & then she & I sat & gossipped in her boudoir. At 7.30 we dined & D. Antonio the old priest was there. We were a very merry party. Music & patience in the evening.

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