0Sunday. 1st September [1889]—Torre Pellice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 September 1889 — Torre Pellice
Sunday. 1st September [1889]. When I woke Henry had vanished to Bobi. Had breakfast in my room & at 10.30 Annie & I went to the Protestant church where the service was in French. An excellent extempore preacher. The singing led by the clerk all sitting. We stood for the praying. The commandments were read by the clerk as also the lesson for the day. Every able bodied person being away at Bobi at the fete there were only old men & women in the church wh was very empty. They tell me people set off as early as 3 this morning for Bobi. The day is hot but my room cool. I sat there writing. About 5 o’cl Henry returned tired & shaken by his conveyance, but very much pleased with his day. With great difficulty one of the Vaudois parsons had procured for him a country 2 wheeled cart with a restive mule– In this was placed a chair. The road to Bobi had only just been made & was as yet only mettled & the shaking Henry went thro’ was tremendous. The mule every now & then bolted into the ditch. The whole road 2¼ hours was lined with people going to the fete & every kind of vehicle. On arriving at Bobi he found a platform prepared for the speakers & the people all seated on the side of the hills under very old chestnut trees & there Mr Pochet made them a most eloquent discourse reminding them that on this spot (Siboud) their ancestors had been addressed by Henri Arnaud & there they had taken the oath to be true to their religion & each other & he asked them to ratify this oath after 200 years. He begged them to hold up their hands after he had read the oath. This they all did being between 5 & 7000 people. Henry says the effect was very fine. After that there was a luncheon & speeches & the people picniced under the great trees & then came quietly home. We dined at 7.30– Patience in evening.

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