0Tuesday. 25th [March 1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 March 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 25th [March 1890]. Alice Murray arrived from Paris on her way to Australia at 4.50 this morning. Ola went to the station to meet her– I breakfasted in bed & got up at 11. Mme Mimaut came for me to give her a guitar lesson. Miss Holas also came. Busy morning arranging my things for packing– Rietti came to be paid his bill– After lunch went out in gondola & took Eda & Nola with me & we called on the Pss of Montenegro & found her at home—thence went to see Mme Noce at the Arsenal & saw Mr Moore for the first time since his illness. He is still very pale– Home to tea & both Ct & Css Canevaro came to see us. Henry & I dined with the Edens. Ola & Alice went early to bed. Eda & Nola joined us in the evening. Met Olga Mocenigo, Mr White & Mrs & Miss Bronson at dinner.

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