0Wednesday. 26th [March 1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 March 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 26th [March 1890]. Breakfasted in bed & got up for luncheon. We had our last guitar practise & had several people to hear us—such as Canevaros, Mrs Martin, Mrs Eden, Olga Mocenigo &c. Gave them tea & received much applause for our musical efforts. In the evening we had our last Trios and Mr Brown & Mr Woods dined with us. Tirindelli played splendidly and finished up with the Berceuse. He then wrote my name on the piece & presented it to me as a souvenir. The Edens, Federigottis, Montalbas, Olga & Mrs Brown who came for a short time & carried off her son in triumph. Mr Jameson, Miss Fearon—all were there & all regretted it being the last time.

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