0Thursday. 27th March [1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 March 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 27th March [1890]. I stayed in bed late– Mr Brown came to luncheon– We had a 2nd gondola & all went to the garden to have tea with Mr Eden. it was a lovely warm spring day & the garden was delightful with spring flowers & the buds on the trees just shooting. Home by 5. The Dss della Grazia came to tea & took leave of us– Don Antonio came in from Vescovana sent by the Countess to see how I was & to wish us a good journey & he stayed to luncheon with us. Dr Cini came to pay us a farewell visit & to see if my cyst had increased wh he thought it had & says there is no remedy but removal altho’ Mr Smith in a letter to me speaks of trying other methods. Lady Galway & Malcolm dined with us & Eda & Nola went with Mrs Eden to a dance at Mme Kraus’s–

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