0Wednesday. 7th May [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 May 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 7th May [1890]. Painted fan nearly all day– A visit from Lady Gregory abt 6 & we were going to take a walk together when Mrs Rate called & took us in her carriage with her girl Ida to the park. We walked by Rotten Row & then home. I dressed for dinner quickly & we went to dine at Mr de Falbe’s in Gros: Sqr. Lovely house. Smart dinner—first rate food & wines. Met Ld & Ly Wemyss, Ld & Ly Burton, Ld & Ly Roden, Lady Jersey & Mr Brandling, Mr Chaplin, Mr Frank & Lady E. Bertie & Lord Claud Hamilton. I sat between him & Mr Bertie & after dinner Henry & I sat & talked to the Wemyss who were as friendly & pleasant as ever. They talked much of the sale of the Wells collection where there are such exquisite Landseers—early studies most delicate & minute. Henry arranged to go to Christy’s tomorrow to see them & meet Ld W.

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