0Friday. 9th May [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 May 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 9th May [1890]. Had my last paint at the fan– Went to the Drawing Room with Henry & Ola—Mrs Browning, Kate, Mama & Mrs Bagot & all the Du Canes came to see us dressed. We were dressed by 1 & had lunch & then left a little before 2. Having the entrée we arrived too soon almost the 1st but we saw all the others come. It was a pouring wet day. Ola looked very nice in white satin with a tablier of gauze embroidered with white silk—a ribbed silk white train put on from one shoulder with a large white bow. I wore silver grey moire antique dress trimmed with jet passmenteries & a black train moire & satin stripes—the dress I had last year from Paris & we made up the train at home. The Queen was at the Drawing Room & was seated. She looked much aged & shrunken. She was in good humour shook my hand & spoke– There were abt 12 royalties & consequently curtsies to make & most of them to shake hands with. We did not stay long after we had passed as Henry wanted to get home & go to an Arundel meeting. Got home abt 4. Had tea, undressed & rested. I went to dine with Kate & Nelly at Savile Row. Henry & Ola stayed at home. Merthyr arrived at 10.30 to stay the night here.

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