0Tuesday. 13th May [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 May 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 13th May [1890]. Lady Gregory fetched me & we went out walking together at 11. She took me to a shop in Bond St to see a certain Mrs Millar giving lessons in cookery. She is a lady of good family who had been beautiful & rich. Her husband lost his fortune thro’ gambling & finally died of drink. In order to maintain her children she took to cookery as a profession– Went into Lord Derby’s kitchen for a year under his French cooks & now gives lessons & goes out cooking dinners. She looked nice & dainty & had pleasant manners. We went on to Morris high art shop & I was struck with the ugliness of everything there. In the afternoon I drove with Theodora in an open carriage. We went to Bulls in King’s Road Chelsea to see the orchid Show wh was very fine. Henry drove down to Crystal Palace with Edward & Mr Burton to a dinner given in honor of Lord Hartington. I had Mama & Richard & Maria, Blanche to dinner & Merthyr who was at Rugby returned for dinner.

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