0Monday. 19th May [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 May 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Monday. 19th May [1890]. I was up late & practised guitar & mandolin duetts with Ola before lunch. At ¼ before 3 I went to 17 Cavendish Square to see Mama & then with Blanche to 19 Arlington Street to help her to arrange her stall of Irish work at the sale wh Lord & Lady Zetland had allowed to take place in their house. On arriving there we found the handsome drawing room hung with tapestries arranged with tables—but Blanche had not got her wares with her so we had to get into a hansom & go in search of them. Blanche had taken me there in her carriage & then sent it away. We went to Evans’ shop in Oxford St to borrow 2 stands to show off the things & then to Cavendish Sqr to fetch them & then took a hansom & returned to Arlington St. When we got there we found Blanche had forgotten to price the things so we sat & did it till past 5 & then walked off to 3 Savile Row to get some tea wh Elizabeth Bertie gave us. Polly Birch Reynardson was there. I had not seen her for many years. She used to sing a great deal for my mother when we lived at Exeter House Roehampton. She & her sister Ethel afterwards Lady Hopetoun. Polly is still handsome—were rather improved being not so thin—has a good figure. We walked home after tea. It was hot work. I got in just in time 6.30 to dress for dinner & I went to the theatre with Sir Henry Thompson who dined with us at 7. We went to the Court theatre to see Arthur Cecil & Mrs J. Wood in “The Cabinet Minister” & were rather disappointed—as we had heard it so much praised. There is a great jumble & much exaggeration—tho’ the 2 acted or overacted well– Henry & Ola went to a Richter concert.

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