0Sunday. 18th May [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 May 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Sunday. 18th May [1890]. Got up directly after breakfast & went to Mr Haweis Chapel. Heard a good sermon & a few words on Cremation. It appears a Revd Mr Machanglten (?) was cremated yesterday & the service done by Mr Haweis. I came home & sat with Fred looking over his painting of wild flowers done on the Riviera. My brother Monty joined us at lunch. Fred soon went out & Monty remained chatting & was nice & kind & bright & pleasant just as he used to be in old days and it is a long time since I have had such a pleasure & it reminds me of the days of my youth when I was his favorite sister & always with him. Later came Maria & Virginia & then Rustem Pasha & then Sir Henry Thompson—then Sir Alfred Sandison. He came to see me one day last week & it was the first time I had seen him since we left Constantinople where he is 1st interpreter to the Embassy. We had much to talk over abt old days & what had happened there since our time. He declared the Sultan still likes me as much as he did in old times when we were great friends– Little Bertie Ponsonby also came to tea hoping to see the Woolmer child who did not turn up. Henry went off to Bushy Park this morning & drove down Señor Albareda the Spanish Ambassador & the Du Cane girls & they returned about 6 o’clock. Albareda came & dined with us & was very amusing on his experiences of English society & got animated & spoke as loud as he used in old days at Madrid. He was very much struck by the good humour & patience of English crowds fashionable & other & with the dexterity of the police & the respect paid to them—& he is an immense admirer of English beauty.

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