0Saturday. 26th July [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 July 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Saturday. 26th July [1890]. I was much better & got up abt 11. Mama came abt 12 & sat with me– Monty came to luncheon & to say good bye as he leaves town tomorrow. I drove with Henry & went to 17 Cav. Sqr on the way back to see if I shd dine with them tonight. I took Henry to a meeting at the S. Kensington Museum & went to see Lady Du Cane & had tea at Lady Aberdares & then fetched Henry & brought him home– I sat a little while with Mama till Blanche came in & then settled to dine there. Henry & Ola dined early & went to the opera to hear Gounod’s Romeo & Juliet sung by Melba & the 2 De Reszkes. Eda dined with the Du Canes.

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