0Tuesday. 29th [July 1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 July 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 29th [July 1890]. Sir Henry Thompson advises Henry to lie up & put himself in his hands for a few days & therefore we defer our departure from 9th till 16th & so we decided to do so & changed our tickets. Sir Wm Gregory arrived from Ireland & lunched here & so did Frederick. I drove with Eda in the afternoon & went to Doré to try on my dress wh does not fit. We went afterwards to 3 Savile Row to tea with Nellie Alderson & there met Blanche & her sister in law May Ponsonby. B & I walked home together. Henry was there & drove home with Eda– She went to the theatre with her aunt Molly. Ola dined with my mother & Henry & I dined alone.

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