0Monday. 27th October [1890]—Villa Pisani, Vescovana
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 October 1890 — Villa Pisani, Vescovana
Monday. 27th October [1890]. Breakfast in our rooms at 8 & luncheon at 11. Left at 12 & drove to S. Elina & returned to Venice by the 1.5 train. Got there at 3. On the way from the station met Mr Shaw Lefevre who said he had been here for 3 days & found it so cold he was leaving. Found my mother waiting in the drawing room. All the carpets on the upper floor down & men still at work in the long hall. Had tea. Unpacked—read. Mama came up & sat a little while in the studio but first went out in gondola with Henry & Nela. I played the organ after dinner– Ruth disappeared after dinner & on going upstairs I found her gone to bed & crying half disappointment at not staying with the Css & half sentimental religious misgivings. I talked to her & soothed her, gave her a cup of tea & put her to sleep. She is rather hysterical & has been worked on by high church friends till she is becoming morbid & must be roused out of it.

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