0Saturday. 1st November [1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 November 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 1st November [1890]. In bed with a bad headache. Mama sat with me in morng. Passini arrived from Berlin & brought a box from Empress Frederick containing the chatelaine she had sent me—a beautiful one—& a brooch & sleeve button. My chatelaine is silver gilt & has pencil, knife, scissor, pin cushion, a seal with F.W. on it (the Emperor’s initials), a tiger’s tusk as a vinaigrette, & a little real gold box for a vinaigrette in wh are some matches & wh the Empress used to carry to provide the Emperor when he smoked– It has the rose shamrock & thistle on one side & light blue & rust red & the letters V.F. on the other. I was better during the day but got very ill again towards night.

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