0Thursday. 22nd [January 1891]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 January 1891 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 22nd [January 1891]. Altho’ there was fresh snow it was much warmer. I spent the morng sorting & arranging music for the binder. Henry & I went out & walked in the Piazza from wh the snow was nearly all removed. Then I called on Css Gozzi being her day & went to Pss Dolgorouky where there was an exhibition of her niece Ada Basilifoky’s trousseau & presents. The Pss looked very ill– All the world was there– I did not admire the trousseau much. The bride looked very happy—the bridegroom also but absurdly young being only 22 & has not yet finished his examinations. The bride small & plain. Mme Rombo & Mr Montalba came to tea with me– We dined with Mr & Mrs Curtis & came home early. A splendid moonlit night, like day—but enormous blocks of ice floating down the canal– There was a deal of ice in the giudecca wh the gondolas had a difficulty in getting thro’. It must have drifted down from the lagunes. Mrs Curtis told us at dinner that she had known Thackerays mother at Paris when she was living there. Mrs Curtis’ father & mother also. She remembers calling on Mrs                (she was married again) & she told them how her son was publishing a novel called Vanity Fair in numbers as his last venture & if that failed he would give up writing as he had so little success.

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