0Saturday. 28th February [1891]—Villa Pisani, Vescovana
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 February 1891 — Villa Pisani, Vescovana
Saturday. 28th February [1891]. Breakfast in our rooms. Packed. Lunch at one & at 12 bid farewell to our hostess & drove off to Sa Elena to leave by 1 o’cl train for Venice wh we reached about 4. Unpacked & had tea– Mr Brown came & told us about little Octavia Jamesons death wh took place on Thursday night & she was buried this morning– The Scotch minister did the service & a clergyman is coming from Milan tomorrow for the Sunday services. Mr Malcolm also came to call—said he had another letter from the Queen’s courier saying it was very uncertain whether H.M. would come here after all– If she decides to do so the courier will arrive in middle of March. Malcolm is so persuaded that she will come—that I think his great faith will bring her! He offered to have Henry & the girls at his box at the Rossini tonight to hear the Puritani—so we dined at 7 & they went. Soon after they were gone Ct Canevaro called to say that the Duke of Genoa who is now the Admiral in command here wished to see Henry & appoint Monday at 2 for him to go to the Palace. I wrote a long letter to the Empress Frederick in the evening. She is now in England on a visit to the Queen. Read some of the Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff that precious slave girl with an ill directed mind–

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