0Monday. 16th March [1891]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 March 1891 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 16th March [1891]. Up to breakfast & went out with Ivor to Richetti’s & concluded the bargain for the furniture & silver branches Ivor was to buy. Thence by the traghetto to Moisé della Zorro Rietti’s—& only returned to luncheon. Mr Eden called in the steam launch at 2 to ask if we any of us would go out with him & Nela & I accepted. He took us to Murano & then out by S. Nicoletto to the open sea. It was blowing pretty fresh so we kept inside the new “diga” where it was not rough & there was less wind– We got much more spray coming back against the wind. Mr Eden landed us at the Piazza & there we met Ivor & Ola walking; they had been to the top of the Campanile & Ola being tired she came home with me & Nela remained with Ivor. We crossed by the traghetto of S. Tomà. Ola went home & I walked to the Campo dei Tedeschi to Mr Milton Fishers studio to see the picture he is about to send home to the Academy. It is a cresema at Chioggia. Has a girl & her godmother seated by a church & all the family in a row behind—all in white Chioggia veils– It is not very finished. The group of the girl & her godmother is pretty. I lost my way coming home & found myself twice in the same square! We dined at 7.30 & had the Trios in the evening. Beethoven’s “Spirit” trio & Rubinstein’s 1st trio—wh last they did not play very well.

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