0Tuesday. 28th [April 1891]—Reims
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 April 1891 — Reims
Tuesday. 28th [April 1891]. Directly after breakfast we went off to see the cathedral & took a carriage & drove to the Church of S. Remy & to the Roman gate way—& into the archbishops palace wh was not very interesting—but the churches were very fine & some of the old windows splendid. I wrote to M & Mme Jaunay friends of Dacre Du Canes to ask them to show us some champagne cellars & very kindly offered to take us to Mme Pomeroys & fetched us at 2 in a carriage. We found they were half English—& very nice people. We spent 2 hours going over the Pomeroy cellars & it was very interesting. The cellars are old Roman caves to wh you descend by 116 steps & the cellars are quite a labyrinth. It was a pleasure to see how clean every thing was & one felt one could drink champagne with greater confidence after seeing how stears & soigné every thing abt its manufacture is. We went to the Jaunay’s house & took tea with them & saw their 2 smallest children, & then returned to the Lion d’Or, dined at 6 & then went off to the station & left by 7.49 train for Amiens & slept there at the Hotel du Rhin.

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