0Thursday. 4th [June 1891]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 June 1891 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 4th [June 1891]. About 12 I went out & shopped for Emilia Riaño after having been to see Blanche & have a chat with her– I meant to have taken Mrs Henry White & her sister Miss Macmillan for a drive but it got so dark & threatening that I put her off. Virgie Du Cane came to luncheon & I sent her out driving with Henry. I walked out to buy some silks for work I am beginning for Blanche’s Irish girls & then took a hansom & drove to Cav. Rd to see after the Fred Layards. Mrs L. was still ill & invisible. I saw Florence & she gave me all sorts of queer & exaggerated accts of poor Fred’s last illness. She is a clever girl but has the peculiarity of never being able to talk without romancing. I came home for tea. Maria & Nela came later & I kept the latter to dinner & Ruth joined her. I played the guitar to Ruth & Henry played patience under Nela’s supervision.

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