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5 June 1891 — 1 Queen Anne Street | |
Friday. 5th June [1891]. Fine day. Lunched at one & Henry went to the Levee & was back at 2.30. Ruth came to lunch & she & I walked round to No 17 Cavendish Sqr. Blanche was out & so we paid a visit to Mama– At 3 she went out driving with Nela & Ruth & I drove to fetch Mrs White & her sister & took them for a drive. We left some cards & I took her to Mme Regol that she might order herself a dress. It was hot & heavy when we started in the open carriage but there came down large drops & we had to close the carriage—after that it got quite chilly. I dropped the others at 25 Pk. Crescent & came home to tea. Later went again to Blanche who was still out at the Work Exn at Albert Hall. Went on to see Sophie Palmer who had a sort of feverish attack & was on the sofa. Nevil Gordon came in whilst I was there & I sat chatting till 7.30 when I went home to prepare for dinner. Sir Hy Thompson & the 3 Du Cane girls had been to see Henry during my absence. Dined alone & looked over Mrs Austen’s large illustrated books in evening. | |
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