0Sunday. 2nd August [1891]—Motcombe House, nr. Shaftesbury, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 August 1891 — Motcombe House, nr. Shaftesbury, Dorset
Sunday. 2nd August [1891]. I walked to church with Goodie by 10.30. Canon Smith gave an excellent Sermon. Old Lady Westr came to the Sacrament being conveyed to church in her chair. Merthyr & Theo supported her steps. She is very lame & feeble. I had a headache & stayed away from lunch & remained in my room till dinner when I got better & was able to go down. I saw today James Fricker a youth recommended as footman for the Brownings at Venice by Canon Smith & wrote to Mrs B. abt him.

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