0Saturday. 29th August [1891]—Baveno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 August 1891 — Baveno
Saturday. 29th August [1891]. Breakfast at 8. Painted flowers—& practised guitar. Lunch at 1. Read aloud to Henry & worked– Took a walk & left cards on Mrs Henfrey. Met Miss White her old governess & heard from her that Mrs Henfrey sleeps at the Gd Hotel & spends her days at her old villa which is not yet sold—& there she looks after the poor of the village dispensing medicines to the annoyance of the Dr & the Chemist—& it seems to me to be rather a dangerous experiment as they will be down on her if any of her patients die or are taken worse. There was a heavy scirocco & it was very oppressive. We dined at 1.30 & played Halma & I went to bed very early.

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