0Sunday. 6th September [1891]—Baveno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 September 1891 — Baveno
Sunday. 6th September [1891]. Breakfast at 8, Went to morning service & sang in the choir– Seckendorff & Ihne lunched with us at 1—& after we sat in the garden over our coffee chatting & they came up to our sitting room to see the photos just arrived of Passini’s portrait of Henry. I made tea & played the guitar. Went off to the evening service at 4.30. Henry met me coming out & we went to the Grand Hotel to pay a visit to the Tommaso Crudelis. She is English a Whitaker from Sicily. Nice & pretty. Then we payed Mrs Henfrey a farewell visit & came home at 7. At 7.30 dined with Seckendorff & Ihne & coffee on the terrace & finished the evening in our sitting room with a light refreshment of lemons & syphon. Met at dinner time Mr & Lady Noel—she a daur of Ld Albemarle– They said they arrived here last night.

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