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4 December 1891 — Ca’ Capello, Venice | |
Friday. 4th December [1891]. Painted all morning. Css Pisani came to lunch at 1 & we sat talking & laughing & reading out Lear’s nonsense poetry till 3 oclock when Henry called us to go out. It was a splendid day & so Henry & I went to the Eden’s garden to walk on the sacca & it was really delightful & warm with a blue haze over the distance & the coloured sails– On the way there & back I read aloud Goncourts Journal. I picked a lot of roses & chrysanthemums of wh there are still plenty for my room & Maria’s who arrives from England at 5 tomorrow morning. I went to tea with Css Pisani at Palazzo Barbaro & Miss Garrett came & Ola & Ruth joined us. I left there & came home—put up the flowers & read to Henry till dinner. The girls went to bed directly after dinner as they are going to the station to meet their mother. Henry played patience. I worked & read abt Lord Lytton’s funeral in the Times & the separation of Ld & Ly Russell wh is causing great talk. He seems very mad & illtreated her terribly. | |
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