0Saturday. 20th [February 1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 February 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 20th [February 1892]. Wet day & heavy scirocco. Copied MS. After lunch I went out to see Ida Bel & then with Henry to Piazza– The rain held up a little so we took a walk there & then went to see the Edens. I left Henry there & came home at 5. Capt. Finzi came to tea & later the Duchess della Grazia & 2 girls. She tells me Mlle Aspasie is better & that they like the sicknurse I got for her. My old guitar came home from [being] put in order so Ola & I played duetts in evening.

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