0Wednesday. 9th [March 1892]—Villa Pisani, Vescovana
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9 March 1892 — Villa Pisani, Vescovana
Wednesday. 9th [March 1892]. Our 23rd wedding day. Breakfast in our room– I went to the Css as soon as I was dressed & found her writing in her bed. The English papers today give us the news of Sir William Gregory’s death—Henry’s greatest remaining friend—a great blow to both of us. We telegraphed to Lady Gregory our condolences & wrote by the post. Sir Wm & Henry had corresponded nearly every week for years past & had been friends for some 40 years & Sir Wm had the most sincere admiration for Henry. He told me last year that he was quite happy now that there existed Boehm’s bust & Passini’s picture of Henry. How sad & curious that the two men who had been so kind about the placing of Henry’s bust in the British Museum last year Sir Wm & old John Murray—one should now be lying dead—the other dying! It snowed all day long & after luncheon I read aloud Saint Simon to Henry & then we went & walked up & down under the arcades for an hour before tea– Then I read to him again till dinner. In eveng Ola & I played guitar & mandola duetts & we had hot wine served before bed time.

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