0Thursday. 10th March [1892]—Villa Pisani, Vescovana
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10 March 1892 — Villa Pisani, Vescovana
Thursday. 10th March [1892]. Henry got a letter from Lady Gregory written an hour after Sir Wm’s death sitting by the side of his body. She said he had ceased to breathe at 3 that morng & she would not have the household awakened but while waiting for day was writing a few necessary letters lest her strength should give way for she had not been to bed since he was taken ill 10 days or more ago. She tells also that some hours before he died he suddenly opened his eyes took her hand & bid her farewell—sent a message to his boy to grow up a good man, & said he believed firmly in God & that we are all God’s children. This beautiful & touching letter moved us deeply– There was a thaw & before eveng all the snow had disappeared. Henry & I walked up & down in front of the house for an hour in afternoon & after tea I read aloud to him till dinner.

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