0Saturday. 19th March [1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 March 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 19th March [1892]. Wrote in morning. Ola took Henry out in the sandolo in afternoon– Splendid spring weather but rather a sharp wind. I went in gondola & paid visits– Found Css Brandolin at home—& also Mrs Bronson– We had a small dinner party consisting of D. & Dss della Grazia, Ct & Css Brandolin, Ct & Css Brezzà, Ct & Css Belmondo Caccia, Mr Passini with us 3—12 in all– They all of them went on to a dance at Css Morosini’s—& so left early.

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