0Thursday. 26th [May 1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 May 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 26th [May 1892]. I sat again to Passini who is not pleased with the result of his work & does not think my portrait will be a success. Ida Bel: & I went together to the tennis at the Arsenal. There were no other ladies besides ourselves. Belmondo & Mr Moore were there & Ct Rucellai beside the Ducal Party. We had some good games. Ida was taken in the Dss of Genoa’s gondola on leaving. I took Rucellai as far as the Piazza & Mr Teddy Moore to his lodgings & hurried home to dinner– Tired & early to bed.

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