0Wednesday. 22nd June [1892]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 June 1892 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 22nd June [1892]. Kate got up late. Eda & I went in a hansom to Thurlow Sqr to Rigal’s to try on the dress I was to wear tonight & then came straight home. It was a warm day & after lunch we set out on the leads to have coffee. Henry went off to a meeting of the Arundel society. Miss Macmillan came to see us & arrange to go with us to the opera on Monday next. Drove out with Kate & back to tea. Dined with Mr Victor Williamson to meet the Archbishop of York & Mrs Maclagan & also Lady Herschel, Mr & Lady Honoria Erskine, Mr Rate & his girl Enid & Sir Arthur Gordon. Eda joined me there & we went to the ball at Wimborne House. A very nice ball. The young Duke of Aosta was there a nice looking youth. We stayed till 2.30.

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