0Tuesday. 21st June [1892]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 June 1892 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 21st June [1892]. Theo & Merthyr went out after breakfast. Kate & Eda came here to stay with us & took their place– They were all at luncheon. Henry went out to lunch with Miss Duff Gordons. Merthyr invited us to go to Norway– Was delighted to be asked but was not sure Henry could go. When he came in the evening he said he did not feel equal to it so we had to give up the idea. Drove Kate & Eda out left cards & called on Blanche Lindsay who was at home & glad to see me. Home to tea. Dined at home & Nelly Alderson came towards the end of dinner & spent the evening.

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