0Monday. 20th June [1892]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 June 1892 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Monday. 20th June [1892]. Gave out stores in morng. Had a long talk to Annie Cole who returns today to her place in the country. She being cook to a Mrs Murray of Spinfield. The bonnet maker came & then Css Albrizzi her 2 girls & Prince Gagarin. We kept them to lunch with us. Merthyr & Theo arrived from Inwood & stayed the night. Henry & I left them at lunch & went off to see Lady Waterford’s pictures & found them still on view & had a nice look at them & enjoyed them. Went to the Atheneum & fetched Mr Oldfield & thence to the Nat. Gallery to see the new Reynolds left to the Nation, a splendid intact picture of Lady Colbrook & her 3 children. We saw it in a lower chamber & were joined by Sir Fred. Burton who was rather grumpy—not liking Henry taking his friends down there. We afterwards went up to the Gallery & found the Albrizzi family there. They were in high delight & surprise at the beauty of our collection. After I left Henry at the Atheneum & went on to Rigal & Gloire to see about my gowns & then home. Found Maria waiting for me. Had tea & then went to see Blanche & Edward. Invited Mama to come & dine also Dacre Du Cane whom I met. Nelly Alderson was also there. We dined at 8.15. Merthyr, Theo, Mama & Dacre–

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