0Thursday. 28th July [1892]—Peterborough Minster Precincts, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 July 1892 — Peterborough Minster Precincts, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
Thursday. 28th July [1892]. Kate & I went out before lunch to more old shops & bought stuff to make curtains for the room I sleep in as there are so many windows & so much light of a morning. Kate’s younger boys came home for their summer holidays. We worked together at making up the curtains. After lunch Henry hired a waggonette & we drove to a place called the Lynch where we sat on the grass & made tea & had it there. It is a pretty shady place. The Bishop & Mrs Creighton dined here tonight & we had a pleasant evening.

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