0Thursday. 11th August [1892]—Duffryn House, Mountain Ash, Glamorgan
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 August 1892 — Duffryn House, Mountain Ash, Glamorgan
Thursday. 11th August [1892]. Breakfast at ¼ to 9. Worked—read & wrote letters. Lunch at 1.30. At 3 went up to dress to go with Lady Aberdare to a flower show at Aberdare. Got no answer to my bell & found that Rosa my maid had without a word gone off to the flower show with other maids. I managed to dress with the help of Lady Aberdare & we drove off to the show wh took place in the grounds of the Theological college—& had belonged to the Fothergills who had iron works & had failed. There were a great many people—a band & several tents with a fair show of flowers & fruit. After Lady Aberdare had gone about speaking to different friends for about an hour we drove home. I made acquaintance with Mrs Lewis whose husband was one of Fothergill’s chief creditors & to whom the park chiefly belongs. The college has been started by Miss Emily Talbot who is now a millionaire & was an old friend of my youth. We drove round the public park of Aberdare & then back to Duffryn for tea on the lawn & then had a game of croquet. Read aloud to Henry for an hour before dinner. Played Halma with & beat Lady Aberdare in evening. As we drove this afternoon Lady Aberdare pointed out to me where Sir George Eliot had lived when manager of mines for the                Company till they turned him out for dishonesty. He had built a church to the memory of his wife with the money of the company. He was originally a Yorkshire miner & rose till he was knighted by Disraeli– He is the original of Punch’s “Sir George Midas”—very rich, very vulgar & drinks hard.

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