0Tuesday. 27th [September 1892]—La Punta, Longarone
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 September 1892 — La Punta, Longarone
Tuesday. 27th [September 1892]. Breakfast at 9.30. Ola in her room– Read aloud to Henry. Wrote letters. Mr Malcolm gave Ola 4 tame bullfinches from the mountains. Lunch at 1. Read again to Henry from Huxley’s Essays wh we are getting through. Tea at 4. Henry went for a walk to Longarone with Ola. Mr Malcolm led me by the river & let me dibble again for trout in vain. Sir Domenic & Lady Colnaghi & Katie & Fannie their daughters arrived about 6 to stay here—having come by train to Belluno where Mr Malcolm’s carriage fetched them. Dined at 7.30. Patience in evening.

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