0Monday. 26th [September 1892]—La Punta, Longarone
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 September 1892 — La Punta, Longarone
Monday. 26th [September 1892]. We breakfasted in our rooms. Ola & I got up late. Mr Malcolm arrived from Venice abt 12. Well but with a slightly sprained foot. Lunch at 1. Read aloud to Henry & wrote letters. Tea at 4 & then took a walk in the garden all of us & had a try for trout in the river with a worm without success. Ola & I took a walk towards Longarone & back to Costello & down to La Punta wh took us about 20 minutes. We dined at 7.30. Patience. Bed at 11.

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