0Tuesday. 1st November [1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 November 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 1st November [1892]. This afternoon at 5 Her Majesty, Princess Margaret, Prince Fred: Charles & Ct Seckendorff, Baron Knesebeck, & Mlle Laber du Faur came to tea and afterwards Stella accompanied by M. Trombini played to Her Majesty a Nocturne of Chopin & a Concerto by Max Bruch. Stella had been working hard at it in order to play her very best—some 5 hours a day. Mr Passini also came to hear her & was much pleased with her playing. Unfortunately it was a wet scirocco day wh made it the harder for her to play well– We all dined at home– Her M. stayed till nearly 7 & then I went down with Trombini’s to the Dyer’s room & chatted till dinner time. Mr Woods dined with us & we talked over some tableaux vivants we want to get up for H.M. on Thursday night. Stella played in eveng to Monty Alderson’s accompaniment.

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