0Saturday. 11th February [1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 February 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 11th February [1893]. At 7.30 when our tea was brought to our room by Rina she said that Regina was ill & could not breathe. I flew downstairs with mustard poultice & hot water bottles. I found she had no fever & so I guessed she had rheumatics & not pulmonite, but I told them to get the Dr later & in the meanwhile put her on linseed poultice on the chest. Henry & I breakfasted in our room as we had done since he has been laid up—but he got up for luncheon. Mr Dyer came to fetch me to take a walk & we went to the Palazzo Pesaro to see 2 antiquity shops in mezzanine & 1st floor. The latter has lovely rooms & ceilings. Saw nothing tempting to buy. Went on to Corrers shop at S. Stae & then back to the Rialto over it to Casa Alvisi where our gondola fetched me & took me to the Pss of Georgia’s whose “day” it was. The young people began to dance so I came away early. Ola & I went to the Staglione at the Fenice. We had taken a box with Carry Eden & joined her there. Of course Henry could not go on acct of his cold– All the boxes were full of the smart ladies of society. The D. & Dss of Genoa came about 11 & walked thro’ the theatre up on to the stage wh was artistically arranged as a garden with plants, seats & a fountain. The Royal march played as they went until they took their places in the small Royal box over the stage. Our servant Paolo had asked my leave to go to the ball & I had consented & there sure eno’ he was dancing with 2 of the most disreputable looking masked women in the place. Later in the evening some gentlemen visited us & we were taken down into the theatre & to see the arrangements on the stage. The House looked very pretty from the stage all lighted “a giorno” with candles. The ladies of the committee went about selling flowers, bonbons & a paper of their own caricatures. Ola & I came home abt 1.

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