0Sunday. 26th [February 1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 February 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 26th [February 1893]. I & Ola went to church in the morng. After lunch I went out to try & see Ersilia Canevaro but she was not visible. I called on Mme Landauer at Pal: Marolin & saw her newly arranged apartment– Very vulgarly & richly done– She was much overdressed & there was no doubt of her Jewish blood. But she is very kind & amiable. I went to 3.30 service. After this morng’s church I went on to the Dyers to ask after Mr Dyer who is laid up with bronchitis– Saw Mrs Dyer who said he was better. Home to tea. Visit from the Curtis & Lynn Santa Maria who was very pleasant. Henry & I dined at the D & Dss of Genoa’s– A large farewell dinner party. I was taken in to dinner by Senatore Dr Minich & I sat on the D of Genoa’s right. I had a pleasant dinner as I found Minich most pleasant. After dinner it was rather solemn & we sat round the room talking. There was evidently something oppressive in the air one hardly knew what. We retired at 12–

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