0Sunday. 30th April [1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 April 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 30th April [1893]. I am on the sofa in my studio & have been here since last Thursday. I get up for lunch & return to bed for my dinner at 7 for I am now promoted to have chicken or fish. Today Henry quietly informs that I have had an attack of typhoid not malaria & that is the cause why I am so long getting well– Tho my illness has not really been a very severe one. He & Cini have come to the conclusion that I caught it in the bird shop at Florence where we went on the day fortnight to my first symptom of fever for it is now certain that the Wednesday before my taking to my bed when I had such a headache I already had the fever. Cini also declares that parrots are known to have typhoid & to spread it to human beings & so my little bird Bibi is at the bottom of all the mischief!

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