0Friday. 12th [May 1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 May 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 12th [May 1893]. It rained nearly all day but at 2 there was a lull & Henry took me out for a short row in the gondola. The “Osborne” came in with the Princess of Wales & her 2 daughters about 4—& at 5 Henry went to pay his respects. He saw the Princesses—& thought the Pss of Wales looking pale & thin. She is still in mourning. He had not seen her since the death of the D. of Clarence. He congratulated her on the betrothal of P. George & Pss May & she laughingly said she knew nothing about it—it had happened while she was away. Iduna & Ct Belmondo dined with us. I went early to bed.

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