0Tuesday. 12th September [1893]—Glencarron Lodge, Ross and Cromarty
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 September 1893 — Glencarron Lodge, Ross and Cromarty
Tuesday. 12th September [1893]. Altho’ I had written to Mme von Andre at Achnashellach to say I would go to call on her this morning & take over Darnie the Gillie—when this morning came I had to give it up—& stay in bed all day having a heavy cold in my head—& Darnie went without me– Abt 3 last night it began to blow hard & all today the wind has been so high there is hardly any possibility of walking against it—& there was no fishing except with a worm but Eda & Nela got nothing tho’ they went out after 4—the rest of the day they sat with me & we worked and read aloud. It was a fearfully blowing evening & one could hardly sleep all night for the wind & the rain.

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