0Wednesday. 14th [March 1894]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 March 1894 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 14th [March 1894]. Went to the studio & had model. Miss Holas happened to come to see me just as I was starting & I took her with me. Walked home to lunch. Mme & Mlle Taine called, widow & daughter of the French writer still in deep mourning for him. Mme T is most agreeable to, talks pleasantly knowing all the clever people English & French of the time. She brought in letters from Mme Darmstädter nee Robinson—but had met Henry in London two years ago at Lord Aberdare’s. Henry & Katie went out but it was damp & foggy. I remained at home– Mr Carey, Css Morosini & Mr J. Gozzi & Css Brazza & her little girl came to tea. Dined at 7 & Henry took the girls to the Rossini theatre to hear “Carnovale in Napoli.” It is the King’s birthday & there was a gala theatre—very full– I practised the guitar & went early to bed–

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