0Tuesday. 20th March [1894]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 March 1894 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 20th March [1894]. I took Nety directly after breakfast to Mr Fischer’s studio to see the picture he is sending to the Academy subject a sale by auction at Venice. Clever & well painted. Then took her to my studio & Hilda Montalba also came there. I changed models & had Catina to stand to me for a small figure. Stayed in after lunch & practised guitar till ¼ to 5 when I went to afternoon service went in gondola. Nety met me & I brought her home. The Della Grazias came to the practise of guitars & mandolines also the Fishers, Mme Stefani, Mrs Hulton & her niece. We had a good steady practise. Nety recd a telegram saying Lady Sandwich had died suddenly. Her husband’s step mother.

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