0Saturday. 31st March [1894]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 March 1894 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 31st March [1894]. I went off to the studio after breakfast & Olga went with me. Finished the figure of Caterina spinning flax. Henry took Francie & Miss Green out in gondola after lunch. Nety & I sat upstairs in my bed room & I read aloud to her from the Revue des deux mondes an article on La Nonne Alferez. After she & I went out for a row in sandolo & left cards at the Arsenal on Mme Noce. We dined at 7 & Henry took Ola & Olga & George to the opera to hear Crispino a la comare– We played patience.

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