0Thursday. 26th April [1894]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 April 1894 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 26th April [1894]. I went to 17 Cav Sqr in the morng to see if I could help Blanche & found our brother Ivor there & we all confabbed together over tomorrow’s Sale of Irish work. I undertook to do out the tickets in large to put up on the big quilts &c hung on the wall & I went home to write them out. After lunch I drove with Augusta & went to pay a visit to Countess Lützow at 7 Gros: Gardens & came home to tea. Sir Arthur Otway paid Henry a long visit. Blanche, Edward & Mama all came to dine with us—their house being all upset for the Sale of tomorrow. Edward sat & smoked with Henry after dinner.

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