0Tuesday. 3rd July [1894]—1 Queen Anne Street
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3 July 1894 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 3rd July [1894]. Henry had another weary sleepless night. I sat with him all the morning & read the summary of the news in the Times to him but he was very restless all day & weak & his breathing bad– He saw Raymond Layard for a few moments in the morning & Mr Rate & Mr Alfred Burton in the afternoon. He eat very little all day & it was difficult to get him to take anything. Mrs Bloomfield Moore, Lady Louisa Ponsonby & Mrs Henry White came to see me– Mr Herring came abt 4 & told me he was very pleased with Henry’s state & that I ought to be very cheerful—but I cannot be so when I see him so low—so unnerved & unlike himself & so weak. At 6 Maria came & took me out for a walk. We went to see Lady Thompson who is leaving town on Friday then on to the Dyers & found them at home—& saw some of Mr Dyer’s pastels. Then I went to try & see Blanche who was out so I came home & helped to give Henry his dinner—but he took very little. Ethel Cadogan sent to offer herself for dinner & came & dined with Nela & me– I took her out driving at 10 & we went round Hyde Park. Today Frances Guest’s engagement to Mr Thesiger is announced. It has not taken her more than 5 months to get over the breaking off of her marriage with Sir Egbert Sebright!– People speak well of her present fiancé. Henry has had a new sleeping draught & I hope it has taken effect for as I write the house is quiet & I hope he is asleep.

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