0Monday. 27th [August 1894]—Branksome Dene, Poole, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 August 1894 — Branksome Dene, Poole, Dorset
Monday. 27th [August 1894]. Evely Eliot went away to Ryde. Maria went away to Bere to stay with Arthur Guest. After lunch I drove out with my mother round the Pinkston road. We went soon after 3 & returned at 5 to find Merthyr & Theo here. They had come soon after we went out & had to leave at 5.30 to return home to Inwood. Gave them tea & then accompanied them to the station in their cab. When they were gone I walked back to Branksome Dene & met Alice Murray & Ola. Richard Du Cane & several of the girls went to Swanage by steamer for the afternoon. At bed time I went into Alice’s room & stayed talking a long time of past days of Henry—his Memoirs &c &c & got to bed late.

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